La calle furiosa lo empujaba sobre su concreto mientras él sornado y entre pendejadas no
dejaba de pensar en cómo deshacer lo que aconteció. Ya estaba hecho y no había
manera de revertirlo, presentía que de ninguna manera podría evitar transitar entre
las sombras de sus consecuencias. Empero en su pensamiento intentaba ver si
podía imaginar una luz con la ilusa idea de iluminar ese camino, lleno de oscuridades
que encontraría en su paso y despejarlas. Pero en esas furiosas calles sabía
que no lograría encenderla. Cabizbajo y ensimismado no quería enfrentar las consecuencias,
aunque éstas estaban mirándolo de frente. Seguía intentando buscar un refugio
donde encender la luz que seguro lo salvaría, borrando todo lo acontecido y
dejando abierta la oportunidad para reescribir su historia.
De repente vio un callejón
iluminado y él transido pero afanado, corrió hasta adentrarse en el y al sentirse
impregnado de la luz se detuvo y miro a su alderredor, pero no sintió la tranquilidad
que anhelaba, la luz no calentaba y no proyectaba sombras. Atribulado
miro hacia donde ingresó y asustado vio como la oscuridad se le acercaba lentamente
y ansioso corrió hacia donde aún se veía iluminado pero la oscuridad rápidamente
lo englobó y él se entregó y de repente y sin esperarlo, se
sintió en paz total y ya no temió a la oscuridad, ya que al tenerla en frente encontró su luz.
The furious street propelled him onto its concrete while he, caught in between dreams and bullshit, kept thinking about how to undo what happened. It was already done and there was no way to reverse it, he felt that there was no way he could avoid walking through the shadows of the consequences. However, in his thoughts he tried to see if he could imagine a light with the delusional idea of illuminating that path full of darkness and clear it. But in these angry streets he knew he couldn't turn it on. Heading down and self-absorbed he did not want to face the consequences, although they were looking at him squarely. He kept trying to find a refuge where he could turn on the light that would surely save him, erasing everything that had happened and leaving open the opportunity to rewrite his story.
Suddenly he saw an illuminated alley and he, tire but anxious, ran until he entered it and when he felt impregnated with light, he stopped and looked around, but he did not feel the peace he longed for and the light did not project heat nor shadows. Troubled he looked towards where he entered and frightened he saw how the darkness was slowly approaching him and anxiously he ran to where he still saw light, but darkness quickly encompassed him and he gave himself up, and suddenly and without expecting it, he felt in total peace and no longer feared the darkness, since having it in front of him he found his light.
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